Krzysztof Kubera
Vice President for Economics and Finance01

Krzysztof Kubera is a graduate of the Academy of Social Sciences in Katowice, where he earned a master’s degree in economics, as well as postgraduate studies at WNSN University of Social Sciences in Tychy, SGH Warsaw School od Economics and University of Economics in Katowice. Holder of authorisations in the fields of bookkeeping, membership in the supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises, as well as competences in controlling.
He began his career underground, in the mining industry, advancing through successive career levels from the position of electrician to the independent position of senior inspector for the development of the mining plant with a specialisation in economics. Held managerial positions in mining enterprises: Nadwiślańska Spółka Węglowa S.A., Rybnicka Spółka Węglowa S.A., Kompania Węglowa S.A., as well as in other companies, unrelated to the mining industry. From August 2008 to July 2013, he held the position of Member of the Management Board – Vice President for Economics and Finance at Centralna Stacja Ratownictwa Górniczego S.A. (Central Mine Rescue Station). From August 2013 to June 2016, he held the position of Chief Commercial Officer at Przedsiębiorstwo Kompletacji i Mechanizacji Systemów Automatyki S.A. in Tychy.